July Job Numbers

First Work
2 min readAug 17, 2021


While the employment gains should be celebrated, July’s labour market indicators show a rise in the number of discouraged workers, who will likely need more support to successfully re-enter the labour market. Additionally, youth have only seen gains in employment due to part-time work, which could be sufficient for their needs, but highlights the barrier in career pathways for young people.

In July, Canada’s labour market saw:

- Declines in youth unemployment nationally, but the employment gains (^ 2.5%) are in part-time work only

- Non-visible minority Canadians are achieving higher employment gains than visible minority Canadians.

- Long-term unemployment finally saw declines, however, rates remain 135% higher than pre-pandemic rates.

Positive moves in the labour underutilization rate (declined 1.2%), however, discouraged workers — the number of Canadians who wanted a job but did not look for one — saw increases by 35.5%.

First Work is keeping a close eye on the rate of discouraged workers so we can ensure a healthy workforce, for a strong economic recovery for all.



First Work

First Work is Ontario’s employment network: a leading membership organization bringing together the best providers of employment programming and services.